DON’T @ ME | Shauna Lynch

Have you ever been put in a situation where you’ve been falsely accused of something?  Maybe it’s your sibling, or someone at school who has made an accusation against you to your parents, or your principal!  This is where we find Paul in Acts 26.  Instead of going to the principal’s office, he stands in a courtroom in front of King Agrippa and the governors that are with him.  

Paul, full of confidence, says that he will speak for himself and present his innocence!  He goes on to recount his entire journey, and in 26:9, he says

“I too was convinced that I ought to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth.” 

He is basically saying, I was once like you!  I didn’t believe it, but here, listen to my encounter with Jesus and see how he is the Messiah!  It’s true!  (So don’t @ me!)  

Have you ever been so sure of the truth that you’re willing to stand up in front of people who think you’re wrong, and tell your story boldly?  One of the reasons that Paul is so confident, as he says in 26:22,

“But God has helped me to this very day; so I stand here and testify to small and great alike.” 

He knew that God was gonna back him up, that God had been backing him up from the moment he encountered Jesus.  Whatever happens to him, he knows he is in the hands of God.  

I want to encourage you that as you finish the book of Acts in these last chapters, try and get a confidence inside you like Paul’s.  That even if people say things about you that aren’t true, God knows you, and he knows the truth about you.  He will back you, rescue you, and miraculously intervene on your behalf!  That’s a promise.