MIRACLE MAKER | Michelle LeRoux
The boldness of Jesus only gets crazier and crazier as we hit Chapters 5-6 of Luke. Jesus seems to be literally everywhere and it seems super hectic, but if you take a step back to see the bigger picture, it’s easy to see that there is a motive behind the madness. Jesus is pushing back and standing up against something, *queue the Pharisees*. Who were the Pharisees? Great question. They were super religious dudes, and in those days they were doing things horribly wrong—their hearts had turned from God and turned to rules and regulations! So naturally, they hated Jesus because they just saw a man who was completely disregarding the strict customs that they had always known. Personally, I’d be super offended too! So here’s Jesus all through these chapters, not rebelling just for the sake of it, but genuinely loving all people despite the huge pressure from the Pharisees not to.
And here’s where Jesus gets real. In Chapter 5:37-39, Jesus throws a major power move on the Pharisees, and accuses them of having ‘old wineskins’. Have a read of it now in your Bible! Makes no sense? Don’t worry, it’s because Jesus uses a metaphor that the people in those times would have understood. So allow me to explain; if we hold on to things that are old, we won’t be able to receive the new! Our old wineskins would burst trying to hold the new wine that is being poured in. My ultimate favourite moment is in verse 39, where Jesus calls people out for being stuck in their old ways. The Pharisees were deep in their judgmental ways, so much so that it blinded them from living the life God called them to live, to love people! Sound familiar? As humans, we love living comfortably and we certainly don’t like change, but when we decide to live our life with Jesus, the way He calls us to, we should expect nothing less than a major transformation in our lives! Our lives get bigger with God in the centre—not rules or regulations, but God Himself.
All through these chapters, Jesus is stirring up change in the world around Him. He’s showing us His heart by loving people who are pushed aside, forgotten and looked down upon in the most simple way: making them feel seen. Jesus sees every one of us, and when we can be willing to receive the new (the Truth of Jesus), we can get rid of old and wrong ideas of who God is, who we are, and who others are, and then begin to see the way that God sees. So guys, get on board! As you continue to read Luke, follow how Jesus loves on people and calls them to live newer and bigger lives.