KINGDOM OF GOD | Joshua Zandstra
Everyone loves a great storyteller and his story, especially when stories or comparisons are being used to help you understand something complicated. I know I always seem to remember the point whenever someone uses a comparison to explain it. On the other hand, how bad are stories that don’t really have a point to them? You know when someone rambles on about a story and you’re thinking: ‘What is the point of all of this?’ Well, let me introduce you to the greatest storyteller of all time, who never fails to leave a great point behind: Jesus. Throughout the Bible, Jesus often uses parables to make a point so that we can picture it and understand what He is all about. One of these comparisons is the Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast. Jesus used these parables to explain the Kingdom of God.
Now initially, you might think, ‘What on earth has a mustard seed and yeast to do with the Kingdom of God?’ But it’s actually is quite simple to understand. Firstly, He compares it to a mustard seed (the smallest seed on earth), which gets planted and grows into this amazing tree, that houses all kinds of birds. This comparison shows that the influence of the Kingdom of God will grow and eventually all kinds of people will find shelter and protection from God, like the birds in the tree. There is room in the kingdom of God for many people from all kinds of nations and backgrounds. Then Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to yeast that has been mixed into flour and worked all through the dough. This yeast I tell you is a powerful little thing. When it gets added into the dough, the whole character of the dough changes. It becomes larger and eventually is ready to be baked into bread. The yeast is like Jesus. When a bit of Jesus comes into our lives, our character is changed and we become bigger people. It will enlarge us and give us a better ‘flavour’.
At the heart of the Kingdom of God, Jesus is in charge. When we allow Jesus to be in charge of our lives, we allow the full blessing and power of the kingdom of God to change us from within. Now don’t we all want to become an amazing smelling freshly baked bread? We can’t unless we let Jesus be in charge of it all. So now that you know all about the mustard seed and the yeast, go and read Luke 12 & 13 and find out more of what the Kingdom of God is all about. In these two chapters, you’ll find Jesus referring to both the Kingdom of God within you and the one that is to come. Have a great time!